Training courses in French as a Foreign Language
Independant Organization under law of 1901 Qualiopi Certification

GÉDOM Training courses in French as a Foreign Language

Independant Organization under law of 1901 Qualiopi Certification

GEDOM aims to promote the practice and mastery of the French language.

We adapt to your level and availability.
Quick access to the training.

276 Rue André Philip, 69003 Lyon


Métro Ligne D

Metro Lines B and D
Saxe-Gambetta or Garibaldi stations

Bus C4Bus C12Bus C14Bus C25

Bus C4 C12 C14 C25

Phone Hours

Phone Hours :

  • Monday : 9AM - 6PM
  • Tueday : 9AM - 6PM
  • Wednesday : 9AM - 6PM
  • Thursday : 9AM - 6PM
  • Friday : 9AM - 6PM

Office hours:
appointements only
Premises accessible to people with reduced mobility

Premises accessible to people with reduced mobility

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We are here to listen to you and to consider your needs in French as a Foreign Language (FLE). Our goal is to enable you to achieve progress thanks to our training programs.
We welcome you personally in a warm, friendly setting.
Contact us to make your life in Lyon easier.
We look forward to meeting you.
See you soon

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You can contact us using the form below.
We will answer you as soon as possible.
See you soon!